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Silicon Valley Associates- Specialist IT Recruitment Agency in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai and Japan
HOT_HK Analyst, Python Tableau SQL R Data Visualization $20K HKD
07 / 00 / 2022
Experience Summary
1 Year of Work Experience
Current & Previous Employers and jobs:
XXXX - Financial Analyst
Msc in Data Analytics and Business Economics
BSc in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting (ACCA)
Motives & Seeking
She is actively looking for a job as she recently graduated. Looking for junior Data Scientist roles in fintech
English- Fluent
Cantonese- Native
Mandarin- Native
Recent / Current Salary
$ 6K RMB Fixed Per Month Fixed (Guangzhou)
+ Bonus
+ Medical / Any Other Benefits
Expected Salary
$ 20K HKD Per Month Fixed
+ HKD Bonus
+ Medical / Any Other Benefits
Immediately Available
Interview Availability
1 day notice for an interview
Interview Assessment Notes
Could you introduce yourself and tell us about you? Your current / recent jobs and employers? Previous companies and jobs?
Her previous job is as a financial analyst, responsible for the monthly financial in-house analyzation, also some analyzation on casting, before the casting handle large sums of data sets, use SQL to clean the data. Then she decided to pursue academics for a master’s degree.
She has experience in Python, SQL, tableau and data analytics skill so after graduation she decided to pursue for a data scientist role.
What skill(s) / experience would you self-describe as strongest or specialist in?
She is strongest in Python, SQL, R and data visualization. Would rate herself 4.5 out of 5 in Python, 4.75 out of 5 in SQL, and 5 out of 5 in R, PowerBi and Tableau
A project she has done is to identify the similarity in patterns, try to find out to increase the profit and in this project do the ETL for the data cleaning and try to make the data in the dataset normalize and after do some analysis using data visualization, trying to identify the patterns and then do the modelling, use linear and decision regression. In this project they mainly used R and Tableau.

Employment Agency
Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment.
907, 9th Floor, Silvercord Tower 2, Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon, Hong Kong
25F, Central Plaza, Xin Tian Di, Shanghai
Ubi TechPark #01-08, Singapore
Sunshine Technology & Innovation Centre, No.1003 Nanxin Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen
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The Candidate has agreed that Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment may disclose their profile to potential employers for the purpose of seeking new employment. Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment will never charge any fees from job-seekers.
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