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Silicon Valley Associates- Specialist IT Recruitment Agency in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai and Japan
HOT_HK Data, ETL Python SQL $43K HKD
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Experience Summary
5 Years of Work Experience. Around 3 years Data Engineering experience
Current & Previous Employers and jobs include XXXX & Senior AI Robotic Engineer, XXXX & Data Engineer and XXXX & Technical Support Engineer
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, XXXX
BSc in Maths. & Phys., XXXX
Motives & Seeking
Passively looking in new opportunities. He is interested in the finance and the investment industry becasue they have a lot of data and he can use his analysis skill
English- Fluent
Cantonese- Native
Mandarin- Fluent
Recent / Current Salary
$ 36K HKD Fixed Per Month Fixed
+ 1 Month + Discretionary Performance HKD Bonus
+ Medical / Any Other Benefits
Expected Salary
$ Negotiable HKD Per Month Fixed
+ Performance HKD Bonus
+ Medical / 14 days Annual leave
1 Month
Interview Availability
Requires a few day’s notice
Interview Assessment Notes
- Could you introduce yourself and tell us about you? Your current / recent jobs and employers? Previous companies and jobs? He is currently a team lead or scrum master, with a team size of 9 people. Mainly working on AI and IOT projects, for IOT both hardware and sensors (IOT hub) while for the AI, will take the data from the sensors and then will do an analysis and some algorithm, and then providing computer vision service to the client.
- What skill(s) / experience would you self-describe as strongest or specialist in? He is strongest in problem solving and quick learning. He was able to self-learn AI and software engineering. He has done for mainly 2 projects. The first one is an AI recognition project and including the cameras and computer, server and the hardware is shipped through foreign company, responsible for video recording and video recognition of the AI platform. Another project is the email recognition, to analyse the email whether it is for place order, quotation, etc. and would also like to recognize if there is a serial number representing the stock. In current company, he responsible for training the AI algorithm and creating the Machine Learning algorithm cycle for the project.
- Do you have data engineering experience?
He has around 3 years of experience in Data, doing ETL, scraping and cleaning. His job is mainly about ETL. He mainly works on the ETL before doing analysis and has been handling around 9 Million data everyday and kind of upgrading or scaling up their pipeline to be responsible for big data streaming for the company. Would rate himself 4 out of 5 in Python and 3.5 out of 5 in SQL. A project in XXXX, it is an image recognition for wheel washing, to check the wheels to make sure it is clean according to regulations and it is kind of a product that is already deployed into more than 10 projects, the project is not only about detecting the cleanliness, the car will not be allowed to leave when it is detected to be not clean. Another project was to detect the truck cover to for the law and make sure it is accosted before leaving the sites. He is responsible for leading the data engineering to develop the overall applications.

Employment Agency
Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment.
907, 9th Floor, Silvercord Tower 2, Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon, Hong Kong
25F, Central Plaza, Xin Tian Di, Shanghai
Ubi TechPark #01-08, Singapore
Sunshine Technology & Innovation Centre, No.1003 Nanxin Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen
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The Candidate has agreed that Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment may disclose their profile to potential employers for the purpose of seeking new employment. Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment will never charge any fees from job-seekers.
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