WeChat ID: SVARecruitment



HOT_HK Data Scientist, NLP Python Keras $90K HKD


12 / 16 / 2021


Hong Kong


Hong Kong

Experience Summar




3.5  Years of Work Experience

Some Job Titles / Positions held include: Data Scientist, Product            Manager, and Sr. Analyst



Current & Previous Employers include: XXXX, and XXXX



Masters of Information and Data Science     (MIDS) – School   of Information

Aug 2020



Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering - McCormick School of Engineering

Dec 2015

Motives & Seeking

Passively looking for a Data scientist or Project Manager of a data product position. Open to any other industries but compensation would be less flexible.


English- Fluent

Mandarin - Can understand , talk and read but not fluent

Cantonese- Fluent

Recent /

$ 60K HKD Fixed Per Month Fixed

+ 2 Months HKD Bonus

+ Medical / Any Other Benefits

    Expected Salary

$ 80K-90K HKD Per Month Fixed

+ 2 Months HKD Bonus

+ Medical / Any Other Benefits

He is flexible if it is in an industry he wants to do, interest is really more on companies that have an operational aspect such as movement or delivery.

Notice Period

1 Month

    Interview Availability

Requires a few days notice


InterviewAssessment Notes



  1. He has been working for XXXX for the past year. He was born in LA and took 2 semesters off to work at XXXX and enjoyed the operation and was in charge of planning under finance and operations, mainly responsible for long term man planning for what schedule we are going to fly and how many people they will need for holiday peaks and summer rush and there he discovered the true value of data and then got really interested in data and then became a manager after 2 years. Managing data products and has a member team of data scientists then he decided to further his studies part-time in XXXX and did that in parallel and after covid hit, he moved back to HK, finished the course in August 2020, and spent 4 months building a self-trading algorithm and decided to stay close to family here and got a full-time role at XXXX as a Data Scientist, from understanding competitors, predicting insurance and prediction, the problem in his current job is that only .2% of the users were logged in and only have a bit of data coming from cookies and not being able to explore the data sets freely or not the same wealth of data sets from united airlines.

  2. He is in a unique position as he started as a Project Manager, how to drive and to develop and strongest is he knows the larger business questions and the technical skills to solve the problem.

  3. He has 1 year of Data science title but ever since as a Project Manager doing Data Science tasks of a Data Scientist, previously in XXXX he had the wealth of the data sets and replicates a lot of his course work at what he had in the job where areas, spent 30% as a Project Manager and 50% being a Data Scientist and has overall 3 years of experience.

  4. Would rate himself 4 out of 5 in Python, 2 out of 5 in Pytorch, 3.75 out of 5 in TensorFlow, and 4 out of 5 in Keras. He also has a lot of experience with NLP as XXXX is a publisher so has to understand content similarity so he could build tools for the team and rates himself 5 out of 5 in NLP

  5. He has done a project content recommendation project in XXXX, nothing of this sort was done before and everything was based on what other people said, and he developed to give personalized recommendation of more than 50% and almost doubled a large amount of the revenue.


Victor Chen, Senior IT Recruiter & Talent Broker 

+852 6700 6472


Jenivieve, Sourcing Associate


    Employment Agency

Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment (Hong Kong) Limited

907, 9th Floor, Silvercord Tower 2, 30 Canton Rd

Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon, Hong Kong

EA Licence Number: 65675

Job-Seeker Agreement

The Candidate has agreed that Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment may disclose their profile to potential employers for the purpose of seeking new employment. Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment wil never charge any fees from job-seekers.

    Potential Employer             Terms

General Terms and Conditions apply to all requests, offers and agreements regarding the provision of services, and available upon request. These can be sent to you on request or can be found on our website: svarecruitment.

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