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Silicon Valley Associates- Specialist IT Recruitment Agency in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai and Japan
HOT_HK IT Data, Python JavaScript DL ML $40K HKD Per Month
07 / 21 / 2023
Hong Kong
Hong Kong. California, USA |
Experience Summary
Years of Work Experience
Current & Previous Employers and jobs include
Computer Science
Motives & Seeking
He is actively looking for a job in data science as he recently graduated |
English- Fluent
Cantonese- Native
Mandarin- Fluent |
Recent / Current Salary
$ N/A
Expected Salary
$ 40K HKD Per Month Fixed
+ Bonus
+ Medical / Any Other Benefits
Immediately Avaiable |
Interview Availability
Require’s 1-2 days notice
Interview Assessment Notes
Could you introduce yourself and tell us about you? Your current / recent jobs and employers? Previous companies and jobs?
He previously worked as a machine learning scientist intern. He has recently graduated from University of XXXX with a degree and master in data science, and prior to that spent almost three years at the consulting team where he worked on a bunch of all sorts of different projects and learned the system implementation process reengineering, strategy studies and data analytics projects and all sorts of different projects. One of the project was a very data heavy project at that time so he realized the limitation of his skill set and started to learn programming and fell in love and then decided to quit and pursue a degree.
What skill(s) / experience would you self-describe as strongest or specialist in?
He has a broad range of knowledge in data science and in software engineering. He also has the range of skills and knowledge for building machine learning solution. Would rate herself 5 out of 5 in Python, 4 out of 5 in JavaScript and 4 out of 5 in deep learning and machine learning frameworks and tools
A project he has done was when he was doing his master’s degree and have this course which requires to build for that application. It's also like a miny hackathon where students team up with other students and try to build a full stack application from scratch, and the application that his team built is travel planning application so when you go on a trip, when you want to go to XXXX, what you want, what you have to do is you have to first book your flights and your hotels and then start looking around places to go, and that’s really time consuming so what this application does is it uses the data of machine learning and deep learning to recommend trip itinerary to users and make this trip planning process really easy for people and this is really huge and complex application

Employment Agency
Silicon Valley Associates Recruitment.
907, 9th Floor, Silvercord Tower 2, Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon, Hong Kong
25F, Central Plaza, Xin Tian Di, Shanghai
Ubi TechPark #01-08, Singapore
Sunshine Technology & Innovation Centre, No.1003 Nanxin Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen
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