1.Currently, he’s working with X as an associate/programmer/developer. He’s working on an alpha log system. He’s working on database with this project with X. Previously to that, he also worked with X as a software engineer. He’s responsible in front-end and back-end development.
2.He specialized in javascript, nodejs, reactjs, and API integration.
3.PHP – 3/5 ratings. He added that he knows how it works and he has some basic knowledge and theories about PHP. He used HTML more than PHP.
4.MySQL – 4/5 ratings since he’s been using it for more than 2 years already with his projects with X and X.
5.HTML – 4.5/5 ratings. He used it with X for his project called eform on a web page.
6.CSS – 4.5/5 ratings. He used it with the same project with X in formatting languages.
7.JQuery – 4.5/5 ratings. He used this to incorporate with HTML and CSS with his projects with X.
8.Experience in eCommerce/Online Shopping – Yes, he developed an online payment gateway. He worked on it for 3 months for his freelance job.